Help Protect Your Smile With Regular Oral Cancer Checks

Oral cancer checks are an important part of maintaining your oral and overall health. At Bayview Dental and Implant Centre, we provide these examinations during routine hygiene appointments and we’re always happy to assess any new or developing symptoms our patients experience. Call us today!

How are oral cancer checks performed?

During an examination, our dental expert will look for signs of any abnormal cells or growths on soft tissues or hard surfaces within your mouth. A special light may also be used to view areas that are harder to see, and X-rays may be taken should there be any causes for concern.

This procedure is usually painless and takes only a few minutes, but it can take longer if our dentist discovers something suspicious. If anything unusual or abnormal is seen, we may order or perform further tests to investigate.

What are the benefits of oral cancer checks?

By having regular oral cancer checks performed, you can be sure that any problems with your oral health are caught and treated early. And because early detection of oral cancer is key to successful treatment, it makes regular examinations all the more crucial.

Should everyone have oral cancer checks performed?

Anyone over the age of 18 should have oral cancer checks performed during their regular dental checkups and cleanings. People who are particularly at risk of oral cancer, such as smokers or those with family histories of oral cancer, should consider having more frequent assessments to ensure their health is monitored closely.

Interested in learning more? Call us today!

A Lady Sitting On A Dental Chair Is Excited For Her Dental Treatment

Contact Bayview Dental And Implant Centre About Oral Cancer Checks Today

  • Improve your chances for treatment by catching developments caught early
  • Learn which symptoms to watch for
  • Undergo routine examinations to protect your health
  • Experience a quick and effective assessment
  • Prioritize your smile!

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