Achieve Your Healthiest Smile With A Smile Analysis In Qualicum Beach, BC

When you’re looking to boost your oral health, smile analysis treatment enables our Bayview Dental and Implant Centre team to identify any problems or issues that may be present and require care. It also allows us to recommend patient-specific smile-improving treatments and procedures, as requested.

How is a smile analysis done?

Our team of experts will use a combination of digital photography and 3D imaging to capture the unique characteristics of each patient’s smile. This allows us to examine every detail, from the gum line to tooth shape and size, and even measure how far apart the teeth are. With this information, we can accurately assess the health of a person's smile and develop a tailored treatment plan to address any existing or developing issues.

Interested in learning more or would you like to schedule a smile analysis? Call us today!

Contact Bayview Dental And Implant Centre About Smile Analysis Today!

  • Identify potential dental issues
  • Treat any problems related to tooth decay or gum disease
  • Achieve a more confident smile
  • Experience care from an attentive, skilled team
  • Improve your overall health!

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